Sunday, November 15, 2009

The crimson skies
All whisper lies
To me of better days
And while I ponder
My soul wanders
Behind these drawn shades.

The Journey that I once began
With vin and so much vigor
Is paved with thorns, and I forlorn
Have found a different ending.

A contrast from the hopes and dreams
I once hoped to aspire,
Alone and cold within this room
Those dreams I now retire.

And though the thunder tumbles loud,
Eventually it ends
As my life, once bright and powerful
Fades back where it begins.

It fades from fields once bountiful
To withered crops run dry
With weeds that scour, sun that scorns
Within a barren sky.

My days once plagued with tilling
Curse my blistered hands, please know
That I have spent all days in labor
Never reaping what I've sewn.

-Victor Tinsdale

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